Build on Juno

Initiate your project idea by acquiring the knowledge to integrate, construct, and test it using Juno's cutting-edge technology. Tap into Juno's vibrant community to validate your product-market fit within the web3 world.

For Frontend Developers
For Rust Developers
For Solidity Developers

Build UIs for Juno applications

As a frontend developer, Juno equips you with a rich toolkit to craft cutting-edge decentralized applications.

  1. Install the basic frameworks

    Get started by setting up essential frameworks for a seamless development experience.

  2. Understand Cosmos-Kit

    Learn how to construct your frontend application using Cosmos Kit provided by Cosmology.

  3. Explore examples and resources

    Discover a plethora of examples and resources to get started quickly.

The power of Rust on-chain

With Juno's smart contracts rooted in Rust, diving in is straightforward. Here's your guide to seamlessly integrating your Rust expertise with Juno's dynamic ecosystem.

  1. Learn Rust

    Master the Rust language to lay a strong foundation for your blockchain projects.

  2. CosmWasm Smart Contracts

    Dive deep into CosmWasm to harness its full potential for your applications.

  3. Explore examples and resources

    Discover a plethora of examples and resources to get started quickly.

More complexity paired with flexibility

While CosmWasm and Solidity have their distinctions, the power of CosmWasm shines through, enabling you to construct robust solutions.

  1. CosmWasm - VM

    Uncover the key differences between Solidity and CosmWasm, including the Actor model.

  2. Solidity VS CosmWasm

    Grasp the intricacies of permissions within the CosmWasm environment.

  3. Cross-chain actions

    Learn about executing cross-chain actions asynchronously for broader applications.